
The Dental Council functions through its various subcommittees. There are 3 such committees, namely;

Investigating Committees

The Dental Council has appointed one Investigating Committee

The Dental Council has the responsibility to conduct a preliminary investigation into any complaint of medical negligence, professional misconduct, malpractice or any breach of the Code of Practice against a registered person.

During the preliminary investigation, the Investigating Committee of Council may summon and hear the registered person, may summon and hear witnesses. It may call for relevant documents from clinics, health centres, hospitals or from the records of any dental practitioner in private practice.

Additionally, the person whose conduct, act or omision is under investigation is notified about the nature of the complaint.

In case a person refuses to give evidence or to communicate any document on the ground of confidentiality, the Registrar may apply to a Judge sitting in Chambers for an order directing that person to disclose the evidence required or communicate any document needed for the purposes of the investigation.

After the preliminary investigation, the Investigating Committee makes a complete report on the case to the Dental Council


Education Committee

The Education Committee is a subcommittee constituted by Council. This committee studies and submits its recommendations on applications received from persons seeking registration with the Dental Council. It also gives its opinion on equivalence of qualifications and as such whether the name of a person can be put in the register of dental practitioners or in the register of dental specialists etc.

The Education Committee has also drafted the Minimum Standard Requirement for setting up of dental colleges in Mauritius. The recommendations of the Committee vetted by the Dental Council have been submitted to the Tertiary Education Commission.


Finance Committee

A Finance Committee set up by the Council ensures judicious use of its funds. The main income of the Dental Council is derived from payments of “Annual Practising Fee” and “Registration Fee” by dental practitioners. A fee is also charged for the issue of a “Certificate of Good Standing”. Council also receives an annual grant from the Ministry of Health & Quality of Life.

The income and expenditure of the Council are audited at the end of each financial year. An annual report is prepared and presented to Council for approval. This ensures objectivity and transparency in utilization of funds.
