One Way Floreal Road, Cite Mangalkhan,
Floreal, Mauritius
Tel: (230) 698 8403 / 698 8340.
Fax: (230) 698 8004
Email: [email protected]
One Way Floreal Road, Cite Mangalkhan,
Floreal, Mauritius
Tel: (230) 698 8403 / 698 8340.
Fax: (230) 698 8004
Email: [email protected]
Part III of the Dental Council Act 1999 establishes guidelines on “Registration” of dental practitioners at the Dental Council. Any person who is a citizen of Mauritius possessing a qualification in dentistry awarded by a recognised medical institution is eligible to obtain any of the following registrations, namely:
Additionally, a non-citizen can obtain a temporary registration if the person possesses a work permit/occupational permit issued by government and the required qualification in dentistry.
The various criteria that a person should satisfy before applying for a registration is elaborated in the Act.
1. Registration of dental surgeon
A person may be registered as a dental surgeon if— [Amended 27/12 (cio 1/1/13)]
(a) he is a citizen of Mauritius and;
(aa) produces a certificate, or a certified copy of a certificate, stating that he has passed at one sitting any 3 subjects at Advanced (‘A’) level (or its equivalent), with a minimum of 21 points, based on the following scale (or such equivalent scale as may be approved by the Council on the recommendation of the Ministry responsible for the subject of education)
A Level Grade -A Level Points
A+---- 10
A ---- 9
B ---- 8
C ---- 7
D ---- 6
E ---- 4
[Inserted 27/12 (cio 1/1/13).]
(b) he holds a diploma in dental surgery;
(c) he is of good character and has not been convicted of an offence in any country involving fraud or dishonesty;
(d) he has not been disqualified from practice as a dental surgeon in any country;
(e) he has not in any country been removed from the list of dental surgeons on account of professional misconduct or negligence;
(f) he does not suffer from any mental or physical incapacity which may hamper the discharge of his duties;
(g) he has successfully undergone such examination as the Council may deem fit for the purpose of determining whether he possesses adequate professional medical knowledge and linguistic skills; and [Amended 27/12 – the words “or assessment” are to be deleted on 1/8/13).]
(h) he has paid such fee as may be prescribed by the Council.
Subsection (aa) shall not apply to a person who has, on the commencement of this section, already enrolled on a course leading to a diploma in dental surgery.
[Inserted 27/12 (cio 1/1/13).] [S. 22 amended by s. 7 of Act 27 of 2012 w.e.f. 1 March 2013, 1 August 2013.]
2. Registration of dental specialist
A person may be registered as a dental specialist if
(a) the person is registered as a dental surgeon in Mauritius;
(b) he holds a specialist qualification;
(c) he is recommended to be registered by the Postgraduate Education Board for Dental Specialists; and” replaced by 27/12 on 1/08/13
(d) he has paid such fee as may be prescribed by the Council.
[S. 23 amended by s. 7 of Act 27 of 2012 w.e.f. 1 October 2013.]
3. Temporary registration of non-citizens
A non-citizens may be temporarily registered as a dental specialist if –
Applications for registration are made in the prescribe application forms which can be downloaded from the following links below.
Application Form for Registration as a Dental Specialist
Application Form for Registration as a Dental Surgeon
List of documents to be submitted at time of registration
A registered person shall promptly notify the Registrar by registered letter of any change in his address or if he will be absent from the country for a period of more than six months.